Natural healing methods have always been a part of my life journey. When I was younger, I was one of those children who perpetually had the sniffles. A few visits to the homoeopath did for me in months what regular medication had not done for years. Creams like Arnica and Calendula were a part of the family medical kit, and my faith in their effectiveness is complete. Perhaps deep down, I've always known that healing would be my purpose in the future.
However, a post-graduation degree in Media swerved the path for a while. I worked in advertising and as a freelance writer and creative consultant for over 20 years. Then, post a major surgery in 2015, I found myself walking the path to natural healing once more. I became curious about understanding the underlying causes of illness using different healing modalities. That is why I first experienced biodynamic craniosacral therapy (BCST), which helped me tremendously with pain management. The idea of looking at disease, pain and trauma through the lens of body-mind-spirit connections was a perspective I resonated with. While studying anatomy for the BCST training, the linkages were undeniable and treating by compartmentalising the body seems counterintuitive. There are tangible whole-body experiences felt during treatment which are relevant and important to acknowledge. Much of the work is about getting out of our heads, getting back in touch with our bodies, and 'feeling' our way back to health.
I am also a certified Bach Flower Remedies practitioner and have studied aromatherapy extensively. Lastly, Reiki, my grounding force and guide, has brought me much peace and clarity.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Two Year Practitioner Training Diploma - Body Intelligence Training.
Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner The Bach Centre, England.
Reiki Level 1-3 Rukhmini Punoose, Traditional Reiki Grandmaster,
Karuna Reiki Level 1 International Centre of Reiki Training by Rukhmini Punoose.
Aromatherapy Rukmini Punoose.
Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT) Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion - Based Ethics (CCSCBE), Emory University.
Somatic Intelligence Facilitator Training Certification of Completion Quanta Care Health Care Solutions, Mumbai.
Essential Theory for Qigong Practitioners and Teachers and Meridian Qigong White Tiger Qigong